UPDATED - tickets now available to join via Zoom. The event will still be hosted at the Los Altos Community center for those who would like to attend in person. See you soon!
Join us for an energetic and interactive evening with professional photographer Thomas Neil Clarke D'96, and socializing with fellow alumni! Thomas' photography is cherished by more than 15,000 followers on Instagram, and was selected to the coveted The de Young Museum Open 2023, a juried community art exhibition.
He "gave it all up" to pursue his artistic passion professionally. He will talk about his experiences and share work from his artistic themes including Yoga (and his portrait "Triangle" selected for the de Young), South East Asian rituals, Bay Area-specific landscape work, and in conjunction with his daughter, endangered and endemic wild flowers. He'll take a lot of questions spanning any and all related topics.
Light refreshments will be available.
Cost: $15/person. Why do we charge a fee? To cover the modest event venue fee at the beautiful, new Los Altos Community Center, and to include light refreshments.
Contact: Amy Madsen, a@apmadsen.com
Dartmouth Alumni Association of Silicon Valley (DAASV) "DAASV" is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 570 El Camino Real, Suite 150-404, Redwood City, CA 94063